Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Picture Today

They call it a kick start. I don't know!
Breakfast- Muesli + apple + yogurt (homemade)
 One of my handsome baby brothers, Zorro. Did this today.
 I've to look for a good picture of Hursh's next, So I can have them both framed and put up in Hursh's new gym we're (I am) doing. The new room is keeping me on my toes. I'm crazy excited. Got the lighting done for it today and the ac installed. And part of the windows. I LOVE the bathroom. I actually sit next to the wash basin and think what to do next. Papa found it funny till he tried it. I also got 2 blues because I din't get the exact bright blue I want to paint his bathroom door. A bright blue door with pristine (ok, plain) white walls around! I love my job!
 SO tired. Worked all day then swam to end it.. Pure joy. Tired and pleasured. Why do I make everything sound like sex? I don't know!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What's in my swimming bag?

Saved myself an awkward hello!
I know there is no one but myself here to keep a promise to, and probably that's the best part. I am actually thrilled to be doing this post. I have always been nosy about what's in people's bags. If it were up to me, I'd go back in time every summer just to see what was in my swimming bag, growing up. But that won't be necessary really because I have a VERY good (almost to an extent where it annoys people) memory, and that things in my bag haven't really changed much.
Right now, I actually want to go and click new pictures (the first one was added later. Yes, the beginning was changed too, slightly). I did click them yesterday, but I feel like it again. I'm weird. (I actually might have to. I think I misplaced one of my two memory cards.)

So I ended up taking pictures now as a matter of fact. I might update this soon too.
Here's what I have for now. (Note to the 47 year old me (I'm still 22! Don't judge!): Hey! I'm tired and I have this killing pain up my left arm that almost convinced me last night I was having a heart attack! I'm doing my best for now!!)
L-R, Moisturizer- Nivea, Body wash- Pamolive, deodorant- Eva

Strangely Clockwise, Moisturizer for face- J&J Baby lotion, Cleanser- Cetaphil, Lipgloss- Maybelline (Cranberry Cocktail), Kajal/ Kohl- Himalaya, Blush- MAC So Sweet So Easy (Cremeblend)

L-R, Conditioner- Herbal essences, Hair ties, Shampoo- Clear, Swimming cap- Speedo
Not photographed: My phone, goggles(?! Speedo), Towel (is drying right now), Swimsuit (drying too), the pass.
Talking about these products, what stays, what goes, what gets replaced and why will be an update tomorrow and a lot of rambling too, Too tired right now, but I HAD to keep my promise to myself! (HERE I start loving myself more! :D) 
Happy May Day Me!

Monday, April 30, 2012

I'm not Monica

Say this to my mum and she'll laugh in your face!
Recently a very young friend of mine said that I'm very Monica (Geller? From FRIENDS). See, we grew up on the staple diet of friends in the 90s and the first decade of 2000 and I believe that you'll definitely find at least one characteristic of the main cast in most people. And we almost describe people that way. He's funny like Ross. (epic fail). I'm vegetarian like Phoebe. I strum the guitar like Phoebe. You see, I grew up believing I was a lot like Phoebe, till I met one of my best friends Mansi who is weird and crazy like Phoebe. So I seemed more like Rachel. I cry like her. I like pretty things like her. I'm NOT organized like Monica. I'm not a cleanliness freak like Monica. I can happily make room for myself on my stuffed bed and sleep. And I can survive a messed up wardrobe for weeks. But then there are things I love. Like I crazily love to swim. So I am very particular about what goes into my swimming bag. Erm.. it's what people normally carry But that's ONE thing I am extremely excited to arrange now.
For now, I'll leave you with a pictures of my new bag I got from

And my new swimming costume. It isn't PERFECT but that's what you get at a short notice! More about it all tomorrow.

I need to catch up on some vampire Diaries before I leave for my swim! eeeeekkk. :D
PS: I'm here now.

Hellos are awkward!

In my head I've always known hellos are awkward but I go out of my way to make them as normal as I can in reality. I just know I'm going to talk write a lot. I do this a lot to avoid awkward silences. But there IS silence here. GAH! 
Yes, there is a VERY deep, profound reason this picture is here. 
So OK I'm not really new to blogging, I have done it for a while before and I stopped. I had a million excuses. Not reasons. Looking back, they sucked. Not good enough, Anyway, getting back to Sunblock and flop-flops, I hope to make a fresh start here. A minimum of one picture per day, documenting life sounds boring, no? So let's call this a pretty lifestyle blog. I'm going to talk about products and things from day to day (my crazy day to day) life too. I am an obsessive compulsive review-er. So.
Paints and Wine. What's not to like?
  I am not one of those jet setting, vacation taking people with a lot of moolah (which is precisely why I'm not going to invite other blogger friends and people to look at it yet) So if you've chanced upon it now, I hope you have a blast reading it. I know this is going to be one interesting life to click and write about. 
I will tell you later why you should be interested in this.
So put on your sunblock and slip int your flop-flops and  I hope you have a good time here and my space gives you something to smile about!