Monday, April 30, 2012

Hellos are awkward!

In my head I've always known hellos are awkward but I go out of my way to make them as normal as I can in reality. I just know I'm going to talk write a lot. I do this a lot to avoid awkward silences. But there IS silence here. GAH! 
Yes, there is a VERY deep, profound reason this picture is here. 
So OK I'm not really new to blogging, I have done it for a while before and I stopped. I had a million excuses. Not reasons. Looking back, they sucked. Not good enough, Anyway, getting back to Sunblock and flop-flops, I hope to make a fresh start here. A minimum of one picture per day, documenting life sounds boring, no? So let's call this a pretty lifestyle blog. I'm going to talk about products and things from day to day (my crazy day to day) life too. I am an obsessive compulsive review-er. So.
Paints and Wine. What's not to like?
  I am not one of those jet setting, vacation taking people with a lot of moolah (which is precisely why I'm not going to invite other blogger friends and people to look at it yet) So if you've chanced upon it now, I hope you have a blast reading it. I know this is going to be one interesting life to click and write about. 
I will tell you later why you should be interested in this.
So put on your sunblock and slip int your flop-flops and  I hope you have a good time here and my space gives you something to smile about!

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